Friday, March 27, 2009


Yay, me and my friends are going airsofting and its going to be awsome! We're going in the woods behind my house so yeah. :)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Its here

Here is my montage which ended up being a tritage.(A pleasent suprize because I didn't have to get as many clips.:)) But its up on my youtube page, Il put up a link to it so you can check it out, its called relentless. Im also going to finish hiding spots part three soon. (I spent a lot of time on Relentless.)

man does limbo wine bottles ( On fire )

Funny video I saw

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Its coming

Its coming soon to my youtube page near you. Hiding spots part three!! :0 Yes, I finaly got my ass in gear and I'm now working on it as we speak. Trust me this is going to be awsome. Also Im working on my (final?) montage as well. Its so far shaping up to be amazing and Im hoping for it to get featured on FBWalshyFTW's page so its going to be longer have more plays and just be generaly awsome. See ya!